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Daily Instagram Story Challenge

By March 23, 2020April 1st, 2020Digital Events/Activities, Featured

This week we are beginning a Daily Instagram Story Challenge for our students. The goal is to get students thinking about one another, looking forward to seeing what their friends are up to, and making ministry connections along with a good old fashioned competition mixed in.

Our team developed the content together so that it would be an exciting challenge each day of the week and hopefully create some continued engagement with our ministry during the COVID-19 / Coronavirus crisis.

We asked students to post only to their Instagram stories and tag our ministry’s Instagram so that we could share their posts/stories and then pick a winner each day. We plan on doing some small prizes during the week (delivered snacks to their door, social media shoutouts, etc.), and some bigger prizes we’ll give out at our next live event.

Hope you can use this or that it inspires you to create your own Daily Challenges for your ministry!

Here are the challenges for each day:

Monday: PAJAMA DAY — Share a pic of you in your most ridiculous pajama outfit for school at home.

Tuesday: CREATIVE LUNCH MENU — Alright, lunch ladies… Share a pic of your creative lunch masterpiece and describe your dish.

Wednesday: A CHAPTER A DAY — Share something you learned from reading John 3 today in our “A Chapter a Day” reading (this is a church-wide Bible reading plan and intentionally put this on a normal programming day to encourage their engagement in discussing John 3 with their small group virtually that night).

Thursday: BEST P.E. CLASS EVER — Share a pic or video of you doing the most impressive or creative workout routine for the day.

Friday: SCAVENGER HUNT — Find your oldest VHS tape at home and take a selfie with it… Don’t know what a VHS tape is? Sorry…

How I used this in my context
We used it on Instagram with our students to have fun and engage with one another/our ministry.
Brett Brandewie

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