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Daily Online Engagement Strategy

By March 25, 2020Digital Events/Activities

Like you, we have pivoted to online-only for our youth services and small groups. With students being home and not in school and having a lot more time during the day we wanted to try and find ways to engage them daily. Just because we are social distancing does not mean relationships can’t happen still.

A friend of mine, Jon, who works at Elevation Church Youth in South Carolina, said it best for this time right now. He said “DIGITAL IS THE NEW PERSONAL” and I thought that was right on. We need to find ways to keep the momentum rolling and engage daily online besides youth service and small groups.

So here is our weekly social media strategy in order to keep students engaged. Some fun and strictly for connection and some for devotionals and going deeper. We wanted to try and have a good balance.

Sunday: Instagram Live Devotion – 10am
We will have one of our youth leads go live with a 5-10 minute message while at home and allow students to interact and have a Q & A afterward.

Monday: Live Twitch Stream – 3pm
Twitch is a live streaming service where people can log on and watch others play video games and chat. We have a Sandals Church Youth Twitch profile where one of our youth leads can go on and play and interact with students while they play some popular games.

Tuesday: Sandals Church Youth Worship Session – 4pm
Our youth worship leader would lead through a 15-20 minute set of worship songs and encourage students to join and worship together.

Wednesday: Sandals Church Youth Online Service – 6pm
This is where we will be live on Sandals Church .tv putting on a youth service online and having small groups afterward digitally.

Thursday: Youtube Live Hang Outs – 3pm
It would be similar to the IG Live but on a different platform. I think this one could be more fun and interactive. It also can be a time for a devotional or re-cap of the message from the night before and allow for some funny bits.

Friday: Sandals Church Youth Worship Session – 4pm
Our youth worship leader would lead through a 15-20 minute set of worship songs and encourage students to join and worship together.

Saturday: New Video Saturday
We would release one of the new videos we will be making over the next few weeks.

It’s pretty simple and I am sure we will make adjustments as we go but I think this will accomplish the goal of reaching and engaging students while they are at home. The cool thing is that we have the opportunity to have students to invite friends by simply pressing a button. That is awesome. We are excited to really execute this week.

What are you doing? Comment below.

How I used this in my context
Using it for online engagement
Justin Knowles

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