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“Drive By Prayer” Signs

By April 14, 2020April 14th, 2021Pastoral Care

Drive by prayer yard signs. Use them for your students, your church staff, key volunteers, or canvas a whole neighborhood! Or print them yourself and put them under windshield wipers at apartment complexes… whatever, just let people know they are prayed for and cared for.

Made these yard signs so my leaders and I can go pray for students (socially distant of course) and leave these in the yard–mine are expected to be delivered Wednesday. Hoping these are not only a win with students who feel isolated, but also with parents (and families who have prayer needs I am aware of). Will also be drive by praying for our staff too, shhh, they don’t know this is coming. Should be fun! I am encouraging leaders to leave notes or brownies etc. This will fulfill a mischievous itch in the youth pastor and make those being prayed for feel connected one again–at least cared for!

I have included several graphics, one is the one I ordered with logo and social media handle… then a couple different versions of unbranded ones so you can add your logo and social media stuff or a message… hope it is useful to you!

They are designed to be 12×18 inch yard signs.

How I used this in my context
Made these yard signs so my leaders and I can go pray for students (socially distant of course) and leave these in the yard--mine are expected to be delivered Wednesday. Hoping these are not only a win with students who feel isolated, but also with parents (and families who have prayer needs I am aware of). Will also be drive by praying for our staff too, shhh, they don't know this is coming. Should be fun! I am encouraging leaders to leave notes or brownies etc. This will fulfill a mischievous itch in the youth pastor and make those being prayed for feel connected one again--at least cared for! I bought these through A.G.E. Graphics... ( they were the cheapest and quickest delivery In could find... I ordered 100. Maybe different for different quantities but their customer service was REALLY quick in response even though their website isn't as automated as other printing companies. (I figure now is a good time to support domestic small business).
JP Duvendeck

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