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Lawn Sign “Notes” For Students

By March 22, 2020Pastoral Care

We made lawn signs that we placed on students’ front yards to remind them that we are thinking of and praying for them!

I sent the following to the person who makes all our signage:

How quick can you turn around 12 single sided lawn signs?

Standard Size – 2 Feet Tall and 3 Feet Wide
Corrugated Plastic Board with the Metal Holders
Black Background • Yellow Bold Text [These are the local school colors] Center and Vertical Justified

Here is the text…

Hey Friends, We Miss You!
We’re Praying For You!
Fear Not • God’s Got This!

Love Ya, Your Youth Leaders

How I used this in my context:
I had these signs made and then as I do driveway visits, I put them in the ground facing their house so the students can see the message. I didn’t put our church name or double side them because this isn’t about what our church is doing as much as it is that we want them to know they are loved.


Ty Hogue

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