After first getting word of the massive restrictions coming to large group gatherings, Derry Prenkert (Pastor of 920 Student Ministry at Southeast Christian Church in Kentucky), knew he wouldn’t be able to simply shift what his youth ministry was already doing to an online format, his strategy needed to change.
Derry took some time to process and put together a few thoughts on the strategy his ministry would take for the duration of the in-person meeting limitations (long term). Derry shared these strategic thoughts with us, we hope they help you process the focus of your ministry as you develop ways to minister to students and families during COVID-19.
5 Values That Will Drive Our Decision-Making
- Be pastoral.
- Be flexible.
- Be creative.
- Be responsible.
- Be unified.
5 Buckets of Focus Where We Are Going to Provide Opportunity, Engagement and Experiences
- Online program
- Bible (plans, devotionals)
- Prayer (guides, daily prompts)
- Parents (conversation guides)
- Community (a place to belong)