With more time together at home, here are some quick devotionals to go along with some great family-friendly movies. Leverage movie night for discipleship.
Send these to parents or encourage students to lead the charge with this family activity!
End Game: https://www.empoweredhomes.org/resource/endgame/
Finding Nemo: https://www.empoweredhomes.org/resource/finding-nemo-family-devo/
Finding Dory: https://www.empoweredhomes.org/resource/finding-dory-family-devo/
Little Women: https://www.empoweredhomes.org/resource/little-women-family-devo/
Monsters Inc.: https://www.empoweredhomes.org/resource/monsters-inc-family-devo/
How I used this in my context
This is a simple idea we sent to parents.
Empowered Homes