We’re attempting a special event called “Lock-In At Home.” It will basically be a bunch of short activities throughout the day on a particular day. Here’s the event description from our ministry website:
Lock-In At Home
- Date: (insert your event date here)
- No special supplies needed
- Starts at 2:00 pm
- Ends by 9:30 pm
- Must be able to connect to Zoom on computer or mobile device
- Cost: Free
- RSVP by (insert date here)
We’re all at home right now but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a fun event! During the Lock-In At Home students will be able to participate in various interactive activities on Zoom throughout the afternoon and evening. Join us for one, two or all of the activities! Each activity will take about 10-20 minutes. We will limit activities to 20 minutes so students aren’t on Zoom for the entire day! To get the Zoom link for each activity, register at the button below. We’ll send the Zoom link in a confirmation email after you register. Here’s the activity lineup:
- 2 pm—Snaaack time & online games (Eat a snack at home and play Zoom games, Sidekick games)
- 3 pm—Students share their favorite Bible verse
- 4 pm—Funny video marathon & creative hour intro (Show funny videos from YouTube, students will be challenged to create something [a short video, a drawing, a Lego design, etc.] for the next 40 minutes)
- 5 pm—Students share what they made during creative hour
- 5:3o-6:30—Break for dinner (no activity)
- 6:30 pm—Wednesday Night Online (on our Middle School YouTube channel—pre-recorded weekly teaching, which we’ve been doing every week since COVID started)
- 7 pm—Dessert & online games (Eat a dessert at home and play Zoom games, Sidekick games)
- 8 pm—Worship through music (Live on Zoom or pre-recorded songs from youth worship leaders)
- 9 pm—Bedtime stories with the youth pastor