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SAMPLE: Schedule for Weekly Online Ministry

By March 22, 2020Ministry Strategy

We created this a schedule for our youth ministry to connect with students while we can’t be together in person.

Goal: Give our youth a place to hang out every day. They can come and go, but they have a place to find community and leaders who care for them.

Our Weekly Calendar

Day Activity Who Leads? What do they need to lead?
Su 10:45am Sermon/Sunday School Elliott/Charles Zoom, curriculum
M 4pm-5pm Jackbox Breakouts Mike, Mary, sometimes Elliott Jackbox, Zoom, breakout rooms
T 4:00-4:30 Bible Study

4:30-6pm Hangout time

Elliott, Linda, Maybe Kelvin and Megan 5-6  Zoom
W 5pm-6pm Jackbox Breakouts Elliott, Alix Jackbox, Zoom, breakout rooms
R 4:00-4:30 Bible Study

4:30-6pm Hangout time

Elliott, Winnie, Megan 5-6 Zoom
F 7:30-9pm Youth Group Elliott, Counselors Zoom, breakout rooms
S Break
How I used this in my context
Planning for online youth ministry.
Elliott Siu

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