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SAMPLE: YouTube Moderator Guidelines

Here are moderator guidelines we came up with for our ministry, hope they are useful to you! We sent this email to the people we were asking to moderate our comments so they could have a quick idea of what we needed from them.

Moderator Guidelines

Hey there!

Thanks for agreeing to be our YouTube comment moderator! We really appreciate you helping us keep the comments lively and exciting rather than SUPER memorable for the wrong reasons.

There are a few things you can do as a moderator:

  • Remove a comment
  • Stop someone from commenting for a set time
  • Ban a user from commenting at all

Let’s say those are in order of “smallest to greatest” tools of the trade.

If a comment is unhelpful, hurtful, weird, misplaced, or just annoying, feel free to remove it.

If someone is “spamming” by sending one word over and over again or being ridiculous in order to draw the attention onto themselves, feel free to mute them for a set amount of time. That can be for the duration of the video if needed!

If you sense that a person is being wildly inappropriate, trolling, or behaving in such a way that you think another student or parent would find offensive, go ahead and ban them. We can follow up later.

If you have any questions, please let us know!

Thanks again!

The Student Ministry Team

How I used this in my context
We sent this to the people we were asking to moderate our comments so they could have a quick idea of what we needed from them.
Ronald Long

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