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Small Group Ice Breaker Questions

By April 28, 2020April 14th, 2021Small Groups Online

This is a list of 30 ice breaker questions one of the teens in my group is using to start her Zoom Girl’s Bible Study each week.  Some of the questions are quarantine focused and others are just fun for connection. Enjoy!


  1. What is your favorite snack to eat during quarantine? Is that snack different than what you liked before quarantine?
  2. What are 2 things you can see out your window right now?
  3. Which streaming service do you prefer and why?
    1. Disney+
    2. Netflix Amazon Prime
    3. Hulu
    4. Other
  4. If you could go to any sit-down restaurant right now where would you go and what would you order?
  5. If you were making an ice cream sundae, which 2 types of ice cream and 2 toppings would you put on it? Would you have whipped cream and a cherry on top?
  6. Which teacher is a better teacher for quarantine than in person? Why?
  7. Which of these things have you realized is true about yourself since the stay-at-home order started?
    1. You really do need 12 hours of sleep or you are cranky or don’t think clearly.
    2. You start getting sleepy at 2pm and need a catnap to finish your day.
    3. Your body has been achy since you aren’t walking from class to class all day and are sitting in the same place all day.
    4. All of the above.
  8. What is something you miss about doing school at your actual school building?
  9. What is something new you learned about someone in your family since the stay-at-home orders started?
  10. What is something that you have liked about the stay-at-home order?
  11. If there is something you could change about your room, what would it be?
  12. If you could make travel plans for your family for the late summer, where would you want to go? Why?
  13. Would you rather take a walk or go on a bike?
  14. Which Disney Princess would you choose to be and why?
  15. Which Marvel superhero would you be and why?
  16. If you could have any superpower, which one would you choose? Why?
  17. Which D.C. superhero would you be and why?
  18. If you had to eat one fruit everyday for a month which one would you choose?
  19. If you had to have pizza from one place for the rest of your life which kind would you choose?
  20. Who is your favorite YouTuber?  Why do you like that person?
  21. What is your favorite game to play by yourself during quarantine?
  22. What is your favorite game to play with others during quarantine?
  23. What has been the best movie you’ve seen this week (or during quarantine)?
  24. Which do you spend the most time on?
    1. YouTube
    2. Instagram
    3. Pinterest
    4. Tiktok
    5. Snapchat
    6. FaceBook
    7. Other
  25. Would you rather stay up late and sleep in or go to bed early and get up early? Why?
  26. What exotic animal would you like to have as a pet?
  27. Would you rather become a really good cook or a really good writer?
  28. Would you rather live your life in a colony on Mars researching stars and space or underwater researching marine life?
  29. Who is your favorite comedian? Why?
  30. From where you are sitting, what is one thing you can see that makes you smile?



How I used this in my context
This is a list of 30 ice breaker questions one of the teens in my group is using to start her Zoom Girl's Bible Study each week.  Some of the questions are quarantine focused and others are just fun for connection.  
Beth Meverden

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