GAME: Fam Glam Youth Group Online/Program Ideas GAME: Fam Glam Online game idea! Ask each student to send you a Glamour Shot (privately, not to…DYMApril 3, 2020
IDEA: Quarantine Lunch Youth Group Online/Program Ideas IDEA: Quarantine Lunch Gather some basic food items and have students decide what you'll put in your "Quarantine…DYMApril 2, 2020
IDEA: Quarantine-Themed “Thank You Notes” à la Jimmy Fallon Youth Group Online/Program Ideas IDEA: Quarantine-Themed “Thank You Notes” à la Jimmy Fallon A big win for our program last week was having leaders submit 15 second videos…DYMMarch 31, 2020
GAME: Zoom Mafia Digital Events/Activities GAME: Zoom Mafia You've most likely played Mafia, if you haven't check the basic game rules and instructions…DYMMarch 31, 2020
GAME: Ask Alexa (or any “assistant”) Small Groups OnlineYouth Group Online/Program Ideas GAME: Ask Alexa (or any “assistant”) Totally stole this from Jimmy Fallon! Watch it here - starts about 22:30 The way…DYMMarch 31, 2020
SERMON: Dealing with Anxiety Youth Group Online/Program Ideas SERMON: Dealing with Anxiety This is the sermon for the second week of a 3-week series we are currently…DYMMarch 27, 2020
IDEA: Zoom Mystery Guest Youth Group Online/Program Ideas IDEA: Zoom Mystery Guest Here is a fun idea you can program into any of your Zoom or Google…DYMMarch 27, 2020
Fun Frase, Quarantine Edition Youth Group Online/Program Ideas Fun Frase, Quarantine Edition In our online Zoom meeting, we played this Mad Libs-style game. It as fun! Students…DYMMarch 27, 2020
“Life in Isolation” Interactive Message Manuscript Youth Group Online/Program Ideas “Life in Isolation” Interactive Message Manuscript This was a 15-minute teaching manuscript written exactly for this moment and meant to be…DYMMarch 27, 2020
GAME: Text Me Trivia Youth Group Online/Program Ideas GAME: Text Me Trivia We played “Text Me Trivia” at youth group online this week with our middle schoolers!…DYMMarch 26, 2020