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IDEA: Drive-In Car Rally

By April 21, 2020April 14th, 2021Digital Events/Activities

Drive In Rally

We had to shift gears (like everything else) and change our camp registration rally to something new. We decided to have a drive-in. We arranged with the city authorities and they allowed us to do it in our back church parking lot. We put it out on social media.  We had to make sure that our students did not get out of their cars so we had some extra volunteers to help with this.

We set up the area with an FM transmitter that we borrowed and also had a sound system in case it didn’t work well but the FM transmitter went great. We had to explain to the students how to turn on their accessory switch in their cars.

We greeted every car with a little packet of papers and a punch out bingo card that we bought from Amazon. There were 4 different colors of paper to play an elimination game .  We had them hold out their window one color of paper and then we had someone who was blindfolded call out a color. Anyone who had that color out of their window was eliminated and then we just kept playing until we had a winner. We gave the winner a tray of Chick Fil A Nuggets with lots of sauces.

We listed some announcements/upcoming events listed on the back of each of the colored sheets of paper. We had the lyrics to the worship songs on one page, our current weekly online schedule on another, details about our summer camp (that we hope to have) on one and the summer calendar on the last one.

We also played an auto scavenger hunt that we had our summer interns (it was their first event with us) run and we would call out an item and then have interns run out and get the item from a car as fast as they could. We gave one point for the first one back and another point for the best of the items. (Like if we called an umbrella, the one that got the best umbrella would win a point as well). The winner of the scavenger hunt was one of the interns and then we did a Pick Me (using Sidekick) game to see who would be the recipient of his win.  One kid won a large “Nothing Bundt Cake.” The loser of the interns also will have to spin the “wheel of consequences” later on this summer.

We sang some worship songs and had them roll down their windows and sing out as loud as they could. We just had an acoustic guitar to lead.

I gave a short 7 minute talk about what our theme for our camp/summer was going to be and then we prayed together.

We played one game of bingo using Sidekick and gave the winner a big candy display that a volunteer hooked us up with. (about 100 candy bars)

We had asked the kids to decorate their cars before they came and we then closed down the rally with a parade and we snaked the cars back through all the other cars so everyone could see each other and then awarded the winner of the decorating contest with 3 board games and a puzzle to play at home.

The night was a huge WIN because people want to be together so much!  Our Pastor came out and said it was awesome!

How I used this in my context
On a Wednesday night from 7-8:15
First McKinney Student Ministry Team

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