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Ideas for Family Engagement at Easter (Brainstorm)

Thinking out loud with staff for ideas on how to engage people for Easter services. Hope these ideas are helpful to you and your team.

  • Provide Holy Week experience for families that include some or all of the following: 
    • Passover Meal on Thursday night (traditional or non-traditional). 
    • The Lord’s Supper on Thursday night. 
    • A prayer walk through a garden (or in the backyard) at night. 
    • Alarms set throughout the days (especially on Friday). This is according to Mark’s Gospel…
      • Alarm at dawn when Peter denies Jesus…about 6:00 AM.
      • Alarm when delivered to Pilate (as soon as it was morning)…about 7:30 AM.
      • Alarm when crucifixion begins (the third hour)…9:00 AM.
      • Alarm when darkness came over land (the sixth hour)…12:00 PM
      • Alarm when darkness ends and Jesus cries: “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (the ninth hour) 3:00 PM
      • Alarm when Jesus breathed his last… 3:01 PM. 
      • Alarm in evening when Joseph of Arimathea places Jesus in tomb…7:00 PMish.
    • Maybe a fasting element on Saturday? 
    • Break the fast with communion on Easter Sunday? 
  • Drop Easter baskets in neighborhoods, inviting people to join in us online.
  • Encourage families to draw the Easter story on their (or neighbor’s) driveways and post on social media.
  • Put together an Easter Survival Kit for families to drive by the church and pick up.
    • Maybe this has some pre-stuffed eggs to hide in home.
    • Maybe this has some Scriptures to read together as a family. 
    • Maybe this has the link to some online content a family can watch together. 
    • Maybe this has some supplies to teach the Easter story with. 
    • Maybe this has communion supplies in it (we can get Milton on that).
  • Family Photo competition: Encourage families to get dressed for Easter and snap a photo. Most creative wins a gift card.
  • Do a sunrise drive-in service. Then do regular online in addition to that. 
  • A drive through prayer garden open to people on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night with different prompts for families as they work their way through campus. 
  • Re-creation photos: families post one each day with a certain hashtag.
    • Thursday: Re-create the Lord’s Supper photo in your home.
    • Friday: Re-create the crucifixion and take a photo (not too graphic).
    • Saturday: Re-create a photo of disciples waiting.
    • Sunday: Re-create a photo of the resurrection.
How I used this in my context
We are looking to implement some of these ideas for our Easter weekend.
Staff of Corinth CC

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