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Instagram Story Graphics

By April 17, 2020April 14th, 2021Digital Events/Activities

Part of our engagement strategy is leveraging social media throughout the week to provide some fun and simple social elements. We included our logo (not featured on this graphic) and encouraged students to share it with friends, but also tag us to be featured on our Instagram Story.

Get to Know Me: This is a great way to get to know students and help them get to know each other and their friends.

This or That: A fun way for students to engage on Instagram and tag their friends!

It’s been a big hit!

How I used this in my context
Part of our engagement strategy is leveraging social media throughout the week to provide some fun and simple social elements. We included our logo (not featured on these ones) and encouraged students to share it with friends, but also tag us to be featured on our Instagram Story. It's been a big hit!
Josh Girgenti & Team

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