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SAMPLE: Parent Permission Form (Online/Text Communication with Minors)

By March 20, 2020April 14th, 2021Communication

Through research on Zoom and Google Hangout my team found a law for children under 13 years old. They need permission from their parents to communicate online and text with us from the church.

The law is from the Federal Trade Commission and complying with COPPA: Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Many churches and schools have a section in the annual permission slip that gives them permission to communicate with students online and via text. However my church did not have this portion on it’s policy.

So, we made a simple form and asked parents to fill out the form on a Google Form and we were able to move ahead. We hope this is a great resource to all middle school ministries!

How I used this in my context
We used it in our middle school ministry for permission to connect with students below the age of 13 online and via text.
Lonney Moore

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